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Trumpet Sounds: Chunn and Gardner - click for larger image
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Title of audio medium Trumpet Sounds: Chunn and Gardner
Article no. 33010474
Subcategory Chamber music
Format CD (audio CD)
Performer Chunn, Michael (trumpet in B-flat)
Label * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Label's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2011
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
UPC * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Total duration ca. 1:18:24
Available yes yes
External download link * External download linkFields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here

Track title Composer Performer Duration
Suite Trovadorica Op.16 Sulpizi, Fernando Ned Gardner; Richard Reid; Susan Walker Gardner; (trumpet in B-flat); Pno; Vlc) 8:35
Evocation et Scherzetto Semler-Collery, Jules Ned Gardner; Richard Reid; Susan Walker Gardner (trumpet in B-flat); Pno; Vlc) 6:41
Premier Solo de Concours Maury, H. Lowndes Michael Chunn; Bruce Gibbons (cornet); Pno) 6:32
Coq et Frelon Maire, Jean Michael Chunn; Bruce Gibbons (trumpet in B-flat); Pno) 2:18
Air de Bravoure Jolivet, André Ned Gardner; Richard Reid; Susan Walker Gardner; (trumpet in B-flat); Pno; Vlc) 1:25
Facilita Hartmann, John Michael Chunn; Bruce Gibbons (cornet); Pno) 5:27
Legend Enesco, Georges Ned Gardner; Richard Reid; Susan Walker Gardner; (trumpet in B-flat); Pno; Vlc) 7:05
Sonate for D Trumpet and Cello Chardon, Yves Ned Gardner; Michael Chunn; Richard Reid; Susan Walker Gardner; Bruce Gibbons (trumpet in B-flat); Pno; Vlc) 14:48
Sonatine pour Trompette Ut et Piano Casterede, Jacques Michael Chunn; Bruce Gibbons (trumpet in B-flat); Pno) 10:53
Rustiques Bozza, Eugene Michael Chunn; Bruce Gibbons (trumpet in B-flat); Pno) 7:28
Quatre Variations sur un Theme de Domenico Scarlatti Bitsch, Marcel Michael Chunn; Bruce Gibbons (trumpet in B-flat); Pno) 7:12

* Fields with a star are only visible for club members after registration.

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