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2010 Texas Music Educators Association: The University of Texas Wind Ensemble - click for larger image
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Title of audio medium 2010 Texas Music Educators Association: The University of Texas Wind Ensemble
Article no. 33001356
Subcategory Symphonic wind music
Format CD (audio CD)
Performer University of Texas Wind Ensemble
Conductor Junkin, Jerry
Label * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Label's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Brief description Available on DVD and Bundle
Year of publication 2010
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
UPC * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Available yes yes

No. Track title Composer
1 Symphony in B-flat, 1. Moderately fast, with vigor Hindemith, Paul
2 Symphony in B-flat, 2. Andantino grazioso Hindemith, Paul
3 Symphony in B-flat, 3. Fugue: Rather broad Hindemith, Paul
4 Trumpet Concerto in E-flat, 1. Allegro con spirito Hummel, Johann Nepomuk
5 Trumpet Concerto in E-flat, 2. Andante Hummel, Johann Nepomuk
6 Trumpet Concerto in E-flat, 3. Rondo Hummel, Johann Nepomuk
7 Symphony for Winds and Percussion, 1. Bright, then dark Grantham, Donald
8 Symphony for Winds and Percussion, 2. Melancholy Grantham, Donald
9 Symphony for Winds and Percussion, 3. Stomp Grantham, Donald

* Fields with a star are only visible for club members after registration.

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