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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Shadows - click for larger image
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Title Shadows
Article no. 3197597
Category Ensembles
Subcategory 6 brass instruments
Instrumentation CTrp; 5Brass (5 brass)
Instrumentation/info CTrp; 5Brass (2111)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2003
Composer Masson, Askell
Difficulty level 6
Duration 12:00
Additional info/contents In diesem Werk geht es um Schatten. Bunte Klangschatten, Schatten der Vergangenheit, Schattenspiele zwischen Solist und Ensemble oder unter den Ensemblemusikern. Die Hauptidee ist, die Solotrompete vor diesen schwankenden Schatten zu beleuchten.
Das Werk wurde beauftragt vom Spanish Brass Luur Metalls für eine Konzerttournee und eine CD-Aufnahme mit dem norwegischen Virtuosen Ole Edvard Antonsen.

This work is about shadows, expressed in the form of musical images, of such things as colours, images from the past, and the interplay of shadows between the soloist and the ensemble as well as within the ensemble itself. The principal idea however, is to present the solo trumpet in an individual spotlight with all of the various and sundry shadows flickering around it. This piece was commissioned by the Spanish Brass Luur Metalls in 2003 for their concerts and a CD recording with soloist Ole Edvard Antonsen.

Cette oeuvre est faite d'ombres musicales. Des ombres de couleurs sonores, des ombres du passé, jeux d'ombres entre soliste et ensemble ou entre musiciens de l'ensemble eux-mêmes. L'idée principale étant de mettre la trompette solo en lumière dans l'environement vacillant de ces ombres. Cette oeuvre a été commandée par Spanish Brass Luur Metalls pour une série de concerts et un enregistrement CD avec le virtuose norvégien Ole Edvard Antonsen.

Gewicht: 0.313
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