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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Morning Pages - click for larger image
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Title Morning Pages
Article no. 3197002
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Trumpet solo
Instrumentation Trp (trumpet in B-flat)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2005-2007
Composer Sampson, David
Difficulty level 5
Additional info/contents Musiker üben gewisse Werke ihr Leben lang weil diese permanent ihre Geschicklichkeit herausfordern und ihre musikalischen Vorstellungen befruchten. Morning Pages wurden in diesem Sinne geschrieben und mit dem Ziel, jenen Trompetern Musik anzubieten, welche die Leistung und den Einsatz derjenigen respektieren, die ein hohes Niveau in ihrer Kunst erreicht haben. Diese Stücke enthalten viele technische Schwierigkeiten, die, wenn sie bemeistert werden, grosse Fortschritte bringen.
Ich hoffe, dass diese musikalischen Herausforderungen bereichernd sein werden.
David Sampson, 11. April 2007

Musicians throughout their playing life invariably revisit a core of compositions that continually challenge their abilities and nourish their musical ideals. Morning Pages were written with that in mind. My intention was to create music for the trumpet player that respected the effort and dedication of those who had reached a higher level of playing. These pieces present many technical difficulties, which, when overcome, will raise the player's ability. Ultimately though, it is my hope that the musical challenges will be the most rewarding.
David Sampson, April 11, 2007

Leur vie durant, les musiciens remettent sur l'ouvrage certaines compositions qui défient continuellement leurs capacités tout en nourissant leur idéologie musicale. Les études de Morning Pages ('Pages matinales') ont été conçues dans cet esprit. Mon intention étant d'offrir de la musique au trompettiste qui respecte l'effort et le dévouement de ceux qui ont atteint un haut niveau de maîtrise. Ces pièces comprennent de nombreuses difficultés techniques, qui, surmontées, favorisent de grands progrès. J'espère que les défis musicaux contenus dans ce cahier porteront leurs fruits.
David Sampson, 11 avril 2007

Gewicht: 0.145
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