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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Title Concerto for Marimba
Article no. 3196849
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Mallets (xylophone/marimba/bells)
Instrumentation Mar (marimba)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 1996
Composer Weiser, Mark Lanz
Difficulty level 5+
Duration 14:00
Additional info/contents Dieses Concerto for Marimba entlockt dem wundervollen Instrument eine breite Spanne seiner klanglichen Ressourcen: von den holzigen, sanften der tiefen- und mittleren Register bis zu den hellen Klängen in den höheren Lagen. Das Streichorchester untermalt geschmeidig die verschiedenen Solosequenzen und spielt zudem auch eine eigene musikalische Rolle, manchmal lyrisch, wehmütig oder entschlossen.
Mark Lanz Weiser, May 2014, Los Angeles, CA

Das Concerto for Marimba wurde von Richard Grimes beauftragt und von ihm 1996 an der Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, uraufgeführt.

This Concerto for Marimba takes advantage of the various timbre possible on this beautiful percussion instrument. From the woody, mellow qualities of the lower and middle range to the bright higher notes, the concerto features a wide spectrum of sounds on the instrument. The string orchestra not only provides a supple accompaniment to the various solo passages, but is itself featured in music that is at various times lyric, wistful, and determined.
Mark Lanz Weiser, May 2014, Los Angeles, CA

Concerto for Marimba was commissioned and premiered by Richard Grimes at Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, in 1996.

Le Concerto for Marimba exploite les différents timbres que l'on peut tirer de ce magnifique instrument de percussion. La composition déploie un large éventail des ressources sonores de l'instrument, du son boisé, velouté des registres graves et moyens au brillantes notes aiguës. L'orchestre à cordes n'offre pas seulement un accompagnement souple aux différents passages solo, mais joue lui aussi un rôle musical parfois lyrique, mélancolique ou déterminé.
Mark Lanz Weiser, May 2014, Los Angeles, CA

Concerto for Marimba a été commandité et créé par Richard Grimes à la Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, en 1996.

Gewicht: 0.178
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