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Talent Night At The Zoo - click for larger image
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Title Talent Night At The Zoo
Article no. 3196599
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Piano solo
Instrumentation Pno (piano)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 1961
Composer Lane, Richard
Difficulty level 2+
Duration 9:25
Additional info/contents Talent Night At The Zoo ist ein Album mit sieben kleinen, entzückenden und erfindungsreichen Stücken, deren Schwierigkeitsgrad zwischen Anfang- Ende der Mittelstufe liegt. Die oft verwendeten Oktaven, sowie einige heikle Rhythmen und Fingergriffe können für die ganz jungen Pianisten zur Herausforderung werden. Die Spielfreude wird sie aber zu deren Überwindung ermuntern.
Irene M. Fix, Oktober 2009, Glenmoore, PA, USA.

Editions Bim danken herzlichst Frau Irene M. Fix für die Überprüfung der vorliegenden Erstausgabe.

Talent Night At The Zoo is a small album with seven charming and imaginative short pieces which can be considered as 'early to late intermediate', although, with all the octaves, a child would have to be physically advanced enough to do those pieces justice. Some tricky rhythms and fingerings can also be challenging them. But the pleasure to play these pieces will give them the will to surmont them.
Irene M. Fix, October 2009, Glenmoore, PA, USA.

Editions Bim thanks cordially Mrs. Irene M. Fix for having checked this first publication of Richard Lane's album.

Talent Night At The Zoo est un album de sept petites pièces charmantes et imaginatives dont le niveau de difficulté se situe entre le début et la fin du degré moyen. Les fréquentes octaves ainsi que quelques rythmes et doigtés scabreux seront autant de défis aux très jeunes pianistes. Mais le plaisir de jouer les incitera à surmonter les difficultés.
Irene M. Fix, October 2009, Glenmoore, PA, USA.

Les Editions Bim remercient chaleureusement Mme Irene M. Fix d'avoir contrôlé cette première édition.

Gewicht: 0.065
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