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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Song for Rachel - click for larger image
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Title Song for Rachel
Article no. 3196315
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Flute with accompaniment
Instrumentation Flt (flute); Pno (piano)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2002
Composer Lane, Richard
Difficulty level 2
Duration 2:30
Additional info/contents Richard Lane widmetet gerne
kleine Stücke an seine Freunde
und Schüler. Alle tragen seine
charakterische musikalische Unterschrift:
Charme und aussergewöhlichen
Sinn zur melodischen
und harmonischen Form.
Wenige Komponisten wissen wie
einfache und leichte Werke zu
schreiben, ohne ihren persönlichen
und erkennbaren Stil zu
verlieren. Richard Lane ist ein-
Grossmeister dieser Kunst.

Richard Lane enjoyed writing
smaller works for friends and
students. These works all carry
his characteristic musical imprimatur
of a synergy of charm and
an exceptional sense of melody
and harmony.
Very few composers have been
able to write simple, easy works
without compromising their personal
styles and artistic values.
Richard Lane was a master of
that art.

Richard Lane dédiait volontiers
de petites pièces pour ses amis
ou élèves. Toutes portent sa signature
musicale caractéristique,
synthèse entre charme et sens de
la forme mélodique et harmonique
Peu de compositeurs parviennent
à écrire des oeuvres simples
et faciles tout en préservant leur
style personnel. Richard Lane est
un grand maître en cet art.

Gewicht: 0.041
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