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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Title 44 Melodious Warm Up Exercises for Trumpet
Article no. 3174799
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Trumpet method
Instrumentation Trp (trumpet in B-flat)
Format Bk (book)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Composer Bellamah, Joseph
Difficulty level 3
Additional info/contents Instrumentation: Trumpet

To set up a hard and fast formula for trumpet players to follow as a daily warm-up would be impractical since no two individuals would require the same procedure or expect identical results. Therefore, this book has categorized the many phases of the warm-up in the following: buzzing the mouthpiece; long tones; flexibility; scales; single, double and triple tonguing; velocity; range. The players can then select exercises from each of the categories as they alone can determine how much and what phases of the warm-up will fulfill the immediate needs.
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