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Der Heimat zur Wehr - click for larger image
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Title Der Heimat zur Wehr
Article no. 3115567
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Programme music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Germany (de)
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EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Composer Crepaz, Matthäus
Difficulty level 4
Evaluation level of countries D4 (German upper level)
Duration 6:55
Additional info/contents Der Heimat zur Defense is a musical representation of the battle in the forest of Mutters (A) on May 29, 1809. 350 Castelrotto riflemen together with approx. 65 k.u.k. Jaegers attacked a Bavarian column of more than 1,000 men and were able to push them back.

The work begins by describing the oath that every soldier had to take. Here the composer uses the melody "Auf zum Schwur", this song was only created in 1896 with the text by Josef Seeber and the music by Ignaz Mitterer. It reflects the spirit of today's riflemen, but in its essence it also captures the conviction that drove the men in 1809 who were determined to defend their homeland from foreign danger and proudly took the oath to fight for God and the Empire until the end to fight to the death. Full of confidence and fighting spirit, the company marches out in the field, accompanied by the playing of the Schwegel pipes and drums, which were typical at that time.

The battlefield is getting closer, the enemy can already be heard from a distance. The Bavarians, who symbolized evil in the eyes of the Castelrotto Riflemen, are portrayed in a foreign musical way (in a different key). The two opposing armies get closer and closer until an attack occurs. Now the harmonious tones are over. The cruelties and horrors of war overwhelm the proud men. What hellish images had to be endured? The music tries to reflect this. It becomes ever darker and more dissonant.

The horror only ends when one side presents itself. In this case, victory goes to the Castelrotto Riflemen: majestic sounds tell of the homecoming of the surviving, proud soldiers.

On the other side are the losers: The Bavarians had set out to fight just as proudly, they too had sworn to their authorities and committed themselves to bravery and loyalty. The enemy is not evil, no, the enemy is young men, husbands, fathers and grandfathers left behind on the battlefield. They leave families in pain and despair. Dramatic tones and a darkening of the harmonies (minor key and dissonances) finally illustrate the true effects of war.

About the core message of the composition:
A war leaves only losers. Both sides are marked by terror and pain. Nevertheless, one must be grateful to the people who sacrificed themselves in good faith in the past. However, this sacrifice should make us aware of the value of peace and encourage us to work for peaceful coexistence.
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Der Heimat zur Wehr - click here Der Heimat zur Wehr (concert/wind band), full score and parts

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Der Heimat zur Wehr - click here Der Heimat zur Wehr (concert/wind band), full score

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