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Abominable Snowman Chase - click for larger image
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Abominable Snowman Chase - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Abominable Snowman Chase
Article no. 3071230
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Youth wind orchestra, young band
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band); YB (young band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Series title Rising Band Elementary Band Series
Year of publication 2010
Composer Smith, Robert W.
Difficulty level 1+
Duration 1:51
Additional info/contents Von den ersten Fussspuren des schwer zu fassenden Yeti an geht die Jagd durch den Himalaya. Die Pauken (feste Tonhöhe) stehen durchwegs im Mittelpunkt, während sich die Suche nach dem entsetzlichen Schneewesen entwickelt. Die Klangkulisse, die durch die harmonischen und perkussiven Effekte geschaffen wird, macht dieses Stück zu einem Liebling aller und ist geeignet für alle Weihnachts- und Winterprogramme. Eine ungewöhnliche Komposition, die ungewöhnliche musikalische und pädagogische Ergebnisse erzielt.

From the opening footsteps of the ever-elusive Yeti, the chase is on through the Himalayas. The timpani (fixed pitch) is featured throughout as our quest for the Abominable Snowman unfolds. Suitable for programming during the holidays or at any winter concert, the soundscape created through harmonic and percussive effects will make this a favorite for all. An unusual composition creating unusual musical and educational results!
Sample sheet music Sample sheet music click here
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Available yes yes
Abominable Snowman Chase - click here Abominable Snowman Chase (concert/wind band; young band), full score and parts
Abominable Snowman Chase - click here Abominable Snowman Chase (concert/wind band; young band), full score
Future Force: Album for the Young - click here Future Force: Album for the Young, audio CD

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