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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Title Romanze with Faux Variations
Article no. 3044818
Category Ensembles
Subcategory Piano trio
Instrumentation/info Vln (violin); Volc; Pno (piano)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Composer Wagner, Melinda
Additional info/contents Network for New Music, the incomparable ensemble which has, in its first 20 years, commissioned, premiered, and presented more than 500 new and innovative works, has now recorded Melinda Wagner's second piano trio on Albany Records (Troy838). Of this recording, David Hurwitz (at writes, 'Melinda Wagner's Romanze with Faux Variations is a single-movement piano trio in several loosely connected episodes. The cute title basically says it all: the episodes aren't really variations in the strict sense, but it all hangs together and features some very exciting ensemble writing in the process.' Romanze joins our growing catalog of works by Melinda Wagner, recipient of the 1999 Pulitzer Prize in Music.
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