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Romantic Arias for Tenor and Orchestra - click for larger image
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Romantic Arias for Tenor and Orchestra - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Romantic Arias for Tenor and Orchestra
Article no. 3007118
Category Vocal
Subcategory (noch nicht zugeordnete Werke)
Instrumentation Teno (Tenor)
Instrumentation/info VocPrt (vocal score)
Country of publication USA (us)
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Composer Leoncavallo, Ruggiero; Massenet; Meyerbeer; Donizetti, Gaetano; Gomes
Performer Doicov, Rumen (Tenor); Orchestra of the Sofia National Opera
Additional info/contents This fantastic collection of Tenor arias contains the most famous of them all, 'Vesta la giubba' from I Pagliacci, along with other arias from great classics such as Werther and Lucia di Lammermoor. Spectacular music for any tenor!

Includes an expansive, newly engraved vocal score, printed on high-quality ivory paper; and a CD+G graphics-enabled compact disc with complete versions (with soloist) in digital stereo, followed by digital stereo orchestral accompaniments to each piece, minus the soloist.

1. I Pagliacci - Act I: 'Recitar!...Vesti la giubba' (Canio/Pagliaccio) (Leoncavallo)
2. Werther - Act III: 'Pourquoi me réveiller?' (Werther) (Massenet)
3. l'Africana (l'Africaine) - Act IV: 'Mi batte il cor...O Paradiso' (Vasco di Gama) (Meyerbeer)
4. Lucia di Lammermoor - Act III: 'Tombe degl'avi miei…' (Edgardo) (Donizetti)
5. Lucia di Lammermoor - Act III: '...Fra poco a me ricovero' (Edgardo) (Donizetti)
6. Fosca: 'Intenditi con Dio!...Ah! Se tu sei fra gli angeli' (Paolo) (Gomes)
Incl. CD (play-along) Incl. CD (play-along) yes
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