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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Title Concert 'Mare Nostrum' per a guitarra i orquestra
Article no. 3006117
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Guitar with other instrument
Instrumentation Git (guitar); Pno (piano)
Country of publication Spain (es)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Composer Brotons, Salvador
Duration 20:00
Additional info/contents Konzert 'Mare Nostrum' für Guitarre und Orchester
Geschrieben im Sommer 1999 zwischen Barcelona, den Balearen und der Costa Brava, fängt das Konzert “Mare Nostrum” das intensive mediterrane Licht ein, und versucht, durch die lieblichen aber gleichzeitig gespannten Seiten der Gitarre die brillante blaue Farbe des Meeres und des Himmels, die Frische unseres Landes und die aromatischen Perfüme unserer Pflanzen wiederzuspiegeln. Lange Zeit schon haben Freunde (Gitarristen) mich versucht zu überzeugen, ein Gitarrenkonzert zu schreiben. Ich habe immer wieder auf die Gelegenheit gewartet, das Stück endlich anzufangen. Mein Freund und exzellenter Gitarrist Alex Garrobé schlug mir dann die Premiere im Gitarren Festival in Lublin in Polen unter meiner Direktion vor, was dann letztendlich den Ausschlag gab, zu komponieren.

Concerto 'Mare Nostrum' for guitar and orchestra
Written during the summer of 1999 basically between Barcelona, the Balearic Islands and the Costa Brava. The “Mare Nostrum” concerto features the intense Mediterranean light, and it transmits through the gentle, but at the same time intense strings of the guitar, the brilliant blue color of our sea and sky, the freshness of our land and the aromatic perfume of our plants. It had been for a long time that my guitarist friends were insisting me to write a concerto for guitar and orchestra. I had always been looking forward to that opportunity, but it was necessary to find the appropriate occasion to finally start the piece. My friend, and excellent guitarist, Alex Garrobé proposed to premiere the piece in the Guitar Festival of Lublin (Poland) under my conducting, which was a determinant factor to start writing this piece.
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