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6 Kinderstücke/Drei leichte - click for larger image
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6 Kinderstücke/Drei leichte - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title 6 Kinderstücke/Drei leichte
Article no. 10005643
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Piano, multiple-handed/multiple pianos
Instrumentation Pno 4Hnd
Format CD (audio CD); Noten
Country of publication USA (us)
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Composer Arensky, Anton Stepanovich; Strawinsky
Performer Sondra Bianca (piano); Harriet Wingreen (piano)
Additional info/contents Rachmaninov's composition teacher, famed Russian composer Anton Arensky, wrote these lovely and simple piano duets which run the gamut of emotion in true Russian Romantic style. Stravinsky's wonderful dances round out this charming album with a tongue-in-cheek pair of parts, one extremely easy, the other a dizzying rhythmic joke! Stravinsky loved these three pieces so much that he later orchestrated them as Nos. 1-3 of his Suite No. 2 for small orchestra. A must-have for the less advanced student who wants to play luscious Russian Romantic music!

Includes complete printed music score with both primo and secondo piano parts, and a compact disc featuring the duets in two formats: split-channel stereo with secondo part on the left channel, primo on the right, so you can play either part; and then again with just the secondo part in stereo so you can perform the primo part alongside.

1. 6 Pièces Enfantines, op. 34, no. 1: Fairy Tale (in three movements) (Arensky)
2. 6 Pièces Enfantines, op. 34, no. 2: Cuckoo (Arensky)
3. 6 Pièces Enfantines, op. 34, no. 3: Tears (Arensky)
4. 6 Pièces Enfantines, op. 34, no. 4: Waltz (Arensky)
5. 6 Pièces Enfantines, op. 34, no. 5: Cradle Song (Arensky)
6. 6 Pièces Enfantines, op. 34, no. 6: Fugue on a Russian Theme (Arensky)
7. Three Easy Pieces: 1. March (Stravinsky)
8. Three Easy Pieces: 2. Valse (Stravinsky)
9. Three Easy Pieces: 3. Polka (Stravinsky)
Incl. CD (play-along) Incl. CD (play-along) yes
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Available yes yes

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