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Klavierkonzert #20 d-Moll KV466 - click for larger image
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Klavierkonzert #20 d-Moll KV466 - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Klavierkonzert #20 d-Moll KV466
Article no. 10004289
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Piano solo
Instrumentation Pno (piano)
Format CD (audio CD); Noten
Country of publication USA (us)
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Composer Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Performer David Syme (piano); Stuttgart Symphony Orchestra; Emil Kahn (conductor)
Additional info/contents This concerto, one of only two Mozart wrote in a minor key, is by far the most famous of all his piano concerti and is filled with profound music of the highest order as well as lively and charming themes. Among its later, most ardent admirers were Beethoven and Brahms. Demands sensitivity from the soloist, and is an important work for every pianist to study and learn. This deluxe 2CD set includes a slow-tempo practice version to help you get up to speed.

Includes a printed solo part (with orchestral reduction) on high-quality ivory paper; a digital stereo compact disc featuring a complete performance of the concerto with orchestra and soloist, and a second performance minus you, the soloist; and a second compact disc containing a full-speed version of the complete version as well as a special -20% slow-tempo version of the accompaniment for practice purposes. The concerto is voluminously indexed for your practice and performance convenience.

Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, KV466 (Mozart)
Incl. CD (play-along) Incl. CD (play-along) yes
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Available yes yes

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