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A Christmas Suite (Part I and III) - click for larger image
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Title A Christmas Suite (Part I and III)
Article no. 8188079
Category Orchestra/chamber music
Subcategory Christmas music (orchestra instrumentation)
Instrumentation AkkO (accordion orchestra)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Series title Accordion Series
Year of publication 1991
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer De Haan, Jan
Arranger Belder, Marc
Difficulty level 2
Duration 3:30
Additional info/contents Diese Suite, die vier bekannte Weihnachtslieder wie z.B. O komm, o komm, Immanuel, Ding Dong Merrily on High und Heller Stern in der dunklen Nacht enthält, ist eine wertvolle Bereicherung eines Weihnachtsrepertoires!

This suite comprises four well-known Christmas carols including 'Ding Dong Merrily on High'. 'A Christmas Suite' will be a most successful addition to your Christmas repertoire!

Il est garanti que cette suite comprenant quatre chants de Noel traditionnels s'integrera avec succes dans votre repertoire de Noel.

Questa suite include quattro canti natalizi olandesi tra cui: Nu zijt wellekome Jesu, lieve Heer (Benvenuto Gesil), Komt, verwondert u hiet; mensen (Venite gente e meravigliatevi) e Ding Dong Merrily on High. Un'aggiunta di successo al vostro repertorio natalizio.

Deze suite waarin vier bekende kerstmelodieen zijn verwerkt (Nu zijt wellekome Jesu, lieve Heet; Komt, verwondert u hiet; mensen, Ding Dong Merrily on High) is een waardevolle toevoeging aan uw kerstrepertoire.
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