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Books about musicBooks about music
Title The 6/6 Cross-Strung: Is It for You? (Workbook)
Article no. 97883180
Subcategory Pedagogical writings
Text language English {en}
Country of publication USA (us)
Series title Workbooks by Cynthia Douglass
Author Douglass, Cynthia Lynn
Additional info/contents 1. Why do we have cross-strung harps in the first place?
A. History
B. Application
C. Current day needs for the harp
2. Where did the pedal harp fit into the picture?
A. History
B. Practical advantages and disadvantages
3. How does the cross-strung work?
4. What is a 5/7 cross-strung versus the 6/6?
5. What can the 6/6 do that the 5/7 cannot do?
6. What can the 6/6 do better than the 5/7?
7. What can the 6/6 NOT do?
8. Where can you find one of these beasts?
Available yes yes

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