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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Title When we sing to the water, the water can hear us
Article no. 4118760
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Belgium (be)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Year of publication 2023
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Composer Aulio, Maxime
Difficulty level 3+
Evaluation level of countries D4 (German upper level)
Duration 6:15
Additional info/contents This work, not a symphonic poem, has to be heard from the point of view of the Klamath tribe (native Americans in Oregon, near Mount Mazama), which lived the eruption and collapse of Mazama mountain and volcano, about 8000 years ago. Then has been told the legend of Llao, god of the underworld, who saw a beautiful klamath woman, daughter of an klamath chief, and became extremely angry when she refused his immortality offering in exchange of her fidelity. He came out of the mount to curse the indians with fire that rained down on them. Skell, god of skies, tried to defend them. A ferocious fight started between the gods. While the earth shook and rocks fell form the sky, two men sacrificed themselves jumping into the pit of forming crater. Skell could finally defeat Llao, and force him to fall under the collapse of the mountain. Rains filled the large hole left by the collapse of Mount Mazama, creating the famous Crater Lake.
Maxime Aulio has been inspired by numerous poems and pieces of music from the Klamaths, to create that sort of hymn to nature, and especially to rivers, very important in klamath’s songs. The work is also a sequel to « Mazama » by John Chattaway, for wind band as well, which was very popular in the 90’s.
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When we sing to the water, the water can hear us (concert/wind band), full score and parts
When we sing to the water, the water can hear us - click here When we sing to the water, the water can hear us (concert/wind band), full score

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