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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Roller Coaster - click for larger image
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Title Roller Coaster
Article no. 4075365
Category Orchestra/chamber music
Subcategory Jazz and modern rhythms
Instrumentation SymO (symphonic orchestra)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
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Year of publication 2014
Composer Schwarz, Otto M.
Difficulty level 3
Duration 3:14
Additional info/contents Der Komponist, der auch zahlreiche Filmmusiken verfasste, beschreibt hier eine Fahrt mit der Achterbahn.

Otto M. Schwarz composes not only for symphonic bands, but has written the soundtracks for many films. In this piece, he describes a ride on a roller coasters.

Otto M. Schwarz compose principalement des pièces pour Orchestre d'Harmonie, mais il est également l'auteur de nombreuses musiques de films. Dans cette pièce , il décrit un tour de montagnes russes.

Otto M. Schwarz, die niet alleen voor symfonische blaasorkesten componeert, maar ook soundtracks schreef voor vele films, beschrijft in dit werk een rit in een achtbaan.

Oltre a comporre brani per banda, Otto M. Schwarz è l'autore di molte colonne sonore. Roller Coaster descrive un viaggio su un ottovolante.
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Roller Coaster - click here Roller Coaster (symphonic orchestra), full score and parts
Roller Coaster - click here Roller Coaster (symphonic orchestra), full score
Symphonic Dimensions - click here Symphonic Dimensions, audio CD

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