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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Ostinati - click for larger image
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Title Ostinati
Article no. 4073795
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Original contemporary music (20th, 21st century)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Delivery publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Series title Concert and Contest Collection
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
ISMN * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2012
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Van der Roost, Jan
Difficulty level 6
Evaluation level of countries D5 (German highest level)
Duration 18:57
Additional info/contents Ostinati was written on behalf of Senzoku Gakuen, one of Japan's most renowned conservatories. Jan Van der Roost presents the entire color spectrum and the complete instrumentation of the wind orchestra. The ostinato idea that characterizes all three movements of this work will capture the attention of any audience.

The piece begins with an impressive timpani solo before brass and saxophone enter. The rhythmic pulse remains constant under a fiery, emphatic music. A pentatonic melody gradually emerges as the music loses its fierceness and becomes gentler. The initial ostinati in the percussion return and so the first movement of the work ends in a mood similar to the opening. The second movement is sweet and melodious. It begins with a long section for the saxophones in a minor key. Then the same theme appears in major and undergoes a development; the music builds to a majestic orchestral forte, reminiscent of an organ in its sonority. Then the theme returns in its original minor key and in altered instrumentation to end the movement quietly and peacefully in an E minor chord.
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Ostinati - click here Ostinati (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Ostinati - click here Ostinati (concert/wind band), full score
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