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Fire & Ice (Fire and Ice) - click for larger image
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Fire & Ice (Fire and Ice) - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Fire & Ice (Fire and Ice)
Article no. 4000110
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Opening music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * De Haske Publications
Publisher's article no. * DHP 0991724-010
Delivery publisher * Hal Leonard Europe
Series title Applause Series
EAN (GTIN) * 9790035050927
ISMN * 979-0-03505092-7
ISMN-10 * M-03505092-7
Year of publication 1999
Composer Schwarz, Otto M.
Difficulty level 4
Duration 4:00
Additional info/contents Fire, light, snow, ice and acrobatics: these are the attributes of the winter athletes during the weekly shows in Imst and Pitztal. This piece was written for the local music schools as part of a symphonic rock project.
The Austrian region Imst and Pitztal is dominated by winter tourism with all the weekly winter sports shows. Especially the night performances of the freestyle acrobats are very popular. With torches and pyrotechnics they know how to create a breathtaking show of fire, light, snow, ice and acrobatics. In Fire & Ice Otto M. Schwarz skillfully translated these elements and contrasts into music. This effective piece will go down well with every audience.

Rocky opening or closing piece, dedicated to Mr. Helmut Schmid.


Flt 1,2
Clr 1,2,3
ASax 1,2

Trp 1,2,3
Hrn in F 1,2,3
Trb in C 1,2,3
Euph in C
Tub in C

-Hrn in Eb 1,2,3
-Trb in Bb 1,2,3 (BC+TC)
-Euph in Bb (BC+TC)
-EsTub (BC+TC)
-BTub (BC+TC)

Perc 1,2,3
Sample sheet music Sample sheet music click here
Sample score * Sample score click here
Sound sample *
Video sample *
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Available yes yes
Programme notes *: additional text

The "Fire and Ice" theme is a fascinating spectacle that combines fire, light, snow, ice and acrobatics and offers a unique experience for spectators and winter sports enthusiasts alike. This theme is a highlight of the weekly shows in Imst and Pitztal, where winter sports enthusiasts showcase their skills and talents in impressive performances.

The element of fire plays a central role in these shows. Winter athletes perform breathtaking tricks and stunts while carrying torches or fireworks that light up the night and create a dramatic and spectacular atmosphere. The fire is often used in combination with lighting effects and music to make the performances even more impressive.

The element of ice comes into play in the form of snow and ice surfaces on which the winter athletes demonstrate their skills. They glide over the ice, jump over snow hills and show off their skills in various disciplines such as figure skating, ice hockey and snowboarding. The cold and glittering environment of the ice contrasts beautifully with the fire and gives the shows a magical and wintry atmosphere.

Acrobatics is another important element of these shows. Winter athletes perform spectacular somersaults, spins and other acrobatic moves that amaze the audience. The combination of acrobatics and winter sports requires skill, coordination and courage, and the athletes show their passion and ambition to thrill the audience.

All in all, the shows on the theme of "Fire and Ice" in Imst and Pitztal offer an unforgettable experience, with winter athletes presenting their talents and skills in a breathtaking setting of fire, light, snow and ice. The shows are a highlight for spectators and athletes alike and offer a fascinating and inspiring mix of sport, art and entertainment.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

De Haske


Mountains and valleys

Elements; Earth Fire Water Air


Sports and Athletes
Fire & Ice (Fire and Ice) - click here Fire & Ice (Fire and Ice) (concert/wind band), full score and parts
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Nostradamus - click here Nostradamus, audio CD

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