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Concerto for Flute and Harp in C major - click for larger image
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Concerto for Flute and Harp in C major - Sample sheet music
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Title Concerto for Flute and Harp in C major
Article no. 3000734
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Various other instruments
Instrumentation Hrp (harp)
Format Bk (book); 3CD (3 compact discs)
Text language English {en}
Country of publication USA (us)
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Composer Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Performer Nikolova, Desislave (harp); Ehrlich, Marcelo (flute); Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra
Opus no. KV 299
Additional info/contents Mozart's well-known concerto for flute & harp is a beautiful and masterfully written combination of two instruments that require extreme delicacy in combination and against an orchestral backdrop. Mozart composed it in Paris for a French Count and his daughter, and it has a distinctly French style, with a magically interwoven fabric of sound which utilizes both instruments to their fullest. It was the only time Mozart would write for the harp. C'est magnifique! This deluxe 3CD set includes a slow-tempo practice version of the minus harp accompaniment to help you get up to speed.

Includes solo part for solo harp, printed on high-quality ivory paper, with informative liner notes, and voluminously indexed for ease of practice and performance; and two compact discs with three versions of the concerto: a) complete with flute & harp; b) minus harp; c) minus flute & harp (for 2 players); and d) -20% slow-tempo practice version minus harp.
Incl. CD (play-along) Incl. CD (play-along) yes
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Available yes yes

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