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Concerto #5 in D major, KV175 and Rondo with Variations, KV382 - click for larger image
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Concerto #5 in D major, KV175 and Rondo with Variations, KV382 - Sample sheet music
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Title Concerto #5 in D major, KV175 and Rondo with Variations, KV382
Article no. 3000131
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Various other instruments
Instrumentation Pno (piano)
Format 2CD (2 CDs)
Text language English {en}
Country of publication USA (us)
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Composer Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Performer Kang, Sung-Suk (piano); Plovdiv Chamber Orchestra
Additional info/contents Here is Mozart's first large-scale concerto for keyboard and orchestra, written in 1773. Ironically, this 'first' concerto was his greatest hit during his life. It shows that the 'little genius', even at age seventeen, had learned the art of combining beautiful and lasting music with something that the crowds would eat up like candy. It is quite simply a big crowd-pleaser and you cannot help but be swept away by its joy and magic. The Rondo with Variations, KV382, was written years later as an alternate Rondo for the KV175 concerto, and may be also be performed on its own as a concert-piece. Perfect for intermediate-level pianists. Includes Mozart's own cadenzas. This deluxe, newly expanded 2CD set includes a 2nd compact disc containing a slow-tempo practice version of the accompaniment to help you as you learn the piece.

Includes an authoritative, newly engraved solo part (with orchestral reduction) printed on high-quality ivory paper, and a compact disc containing a complete reference recording in digital stereo, with soloist, followed by a second version in digital stereo of the orchestral accompaniment, minus the soloist; and a second compact disc containing a full-speed version of the complete version followed by a -20% slow-tempo version of the accompaniment for practice purposes.

1. Piano Concerto No. 5 in D major, KV175
2. Rondo with Variations for Piano and Orchestra, KV382
Incl. CD (play-along) Incl. CD (play-along) yes
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